Event Lighting on display at GET Show 2025!

Event Lighting on display at GET Show 2025!

Event Lighting on display at GET Show 2025!

This week the Event Lighting team has been overseas displaying a range of exciting new products at GET Show 2025. Partnering with AOKA Truss, we have had a huge display to showcase all of Event Lighting's Trussing, Staging and New Road Cases, along with developments to our range of Moving Heads and Effect Lights!

Have a flick through this article and read more about some of the new additions to Event Lighting's new product offerings and don't be hesitant to reach out to our sales team if you want any more information on these new products!


OUTBACK Series: IP65 Rated Moving Heads

As the industry moves to make IP rated fixtures more affordable, we have thrown our hat in the ring with 3 upcoming fixtures to suit your production needs.

The OUTBACK350H is the flagship model, with hybrid capabilities powered by a punchy 350W LED engine. This powerhouse comes with not one, but two colour wheels as well as CMY colour mixing allowing for precise and complex colour combinations. In addition to this, there are two rotating gobo wheels, two 4 facet prisms and a frost filter to provide a wide range of effects for any application, slotting in effortlessly to your existing lineup with both 3 and 5 pin DMX connections and True1 In and Out.

We will also soon be launching the OUTBACK180B, a punchy 180W Beam luminaire, and the OUTBACK12X40W, a 12 x 40W Zoom Wash mover. We are excited to be showcasing these three fixtures on the stand, giving you the opportunity to get hands on with these upcoming products.

These three fixtures will help us to provide you with a high quality & affordable range of IP rated moving heads.


Brand New Event Lighting Road Cases

Expanding on the cooperative relationship between AOKA Truss and Event Lighting, the two companies have opened up a brand new purpose-built factory for creating custom road cases to fit any specification.

On the stand we showcased some dazzling Red, Green, Blue and all-Black roadcases (pictured above), showcasing our ability to provide personalised protection for any light, speaker or product - the possibilities are endless!


HUGE Range of Truss and Staging

In partnership with AOKA truss, our range of truss and staging continues to expand, delivering innovative staging solutions as well as unique and custom truss pieces for imaginative stage designs.

Whether you need spigot or bolted connections; box, triangle, flat or rectangular variations; black, silver or coloured options - Our truss is expansive and non-exclusive, offering endless solutions for any production. Need something we don't have? Thanks to AOKA, we can create custom pieces to ensure your creativity isn't limited.

We have a range of stage systems that we offer as well - for quick and easy set up, the Folding Stage System (STF) makes it easy to transport and use without compromising on weight limit. For the most robust stage system available, our Braced Stage System (STB) is built for additional loading. For a more typical staging system, our ST and Coffin-Latch Stage System (STC) come with detachable and adjustable, allowing for a modular set up that anyone can use.

We also offer clamps, boom arms, couplers, hinges… I think you get it! If you have a need for trussing or staging solutions, be sure to contact us.


PANX International Debut

The brand new PANX Series which has received a lot of interest in Australia since its launch earlier this year, is on the stand lighting up along with some upcoming effect lights.

One thing we are extremely proud of at Event Lighting is our product development. With the PANX Series of Panbars, we heard your feedback on our initial PAN series of panbars and made these lights more punchy with 40W COB LEDs. We also moved from PowerCon to True1 power connections to make these lights easier to add into your existing lighting rig.

As we look to level up our effect lighting catalogue, we encourage you to let us know what you need and what you want to see from us!

If you are interested in any of the products from the show, you can now Shop the Stand and see all the products that were on display this year. If you see anything that stands out, or would like some more information on any products in the article, contact sales@eventec.com.au.


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