Eventec working hours over Holidays

Eventec working hours over Holidays

Merry Christmas

and Happy Holidays!

This year, our NSW office will be open to fulfil orders on Non-Public Holidays. Whilst many suppliers in the industry close over this period, we understand you're all still pushing through so we wanted to join in!

We're open until Close of Business on Tuesday the 24th of December (Christmas Eve) and then we will be open the following days:

• Friday the 27th of December

• Monday the 30th of December

• Tuesday the 31st of December

• Thursday the 2nd of January

• Friday the 3rd of January

Eventec will be open Nation-wide from Monday the 6th of January.


Thank you for working with us at Eventec this year.

We wish you a restful holiday period and look forward to seeing you again in 2025!


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